Dead cats
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Posts: 47
Joined: Nov 2007
30-04-2014 10:06 AM
Hi everyone ,just want to let people know who live in the area London road ,honor oak road ,manor mount , waldenshaw road ,both mine and my neighbours cats have been poisoned in the last couple of weeks ,they were both found in the end of the gardens between these roads .I know other cats have gone missing on these roads to from knocking on doors ,so if you have a cat in this area I would advise you to try keep it in .
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30-04-2014 10:28 AM
That is very sad news. Having been visited by one of the ladies who was looking for her cat and having not seen it for some time this is not good news.
There are some sick people out there.
Posts: 74
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30-04-2014 03:06 PM
Poisoned? On purpose? I hate to ask, but how do you even establish that fact. Sorry to hear about it. We have 2 cats on Waldenshaw and they're always crossing the road and heading up into that area. No chance of keeping them indoors though.
Oh well, at last something else to worry about: perhaps the speeding cars will deter them from crossing.
Posts: 189
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30-04-2014 03:14 PM
Sharon, that's terrible. I'm so sorry for your loss, and your neighbour's.
Has a vet confirmed that both cats were poisoned, and what with? If so, I guess it may not have been deliberate (though it may have been), but maybe somebody in a nearby garden has been putting out poison to destroy rats or mice, and passing cats have been eating it, or eating the poisoned rodents. Or leaving chemicals around.
I'd be happy to join some kind of campaign to try to trace the source of the problem and sort it out, but I'm not sure how best to start.
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30-04-2014 03:26 PM
We get a lot of foxes in this area, or we used to, they seem to have been quiet for the last few nights.
Is it possible that some local has been leaving things out for the foxes, but the cats have eaten the poison first? Either way, it's pretty sick.
Do the council's pest control services deal with foxes, and how?
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01-05-2014 09:52 PM
I've heard of at least one cat being poisoned in the Taymount rise area.
I really can't keep my cat in...I hope they catch this nutter.
Posts: 189
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01-05-2014 10:01 PM
I'm going to do a bit of research; maybe the local cat charities have some advice. This problem must be happening in other areas.
I'm wondering whether a poster or leaflet campaign would help: explaining what is and is not legal in terms of leaving poisons around, and suggesting ways people can deal with rodents or foxes or whatever they are trying to deal with, without putting poison out. And maybe trying to explain how awful it is for the affected humans when their cat is found dead or disappears. Some people just don't seem to understand how much pets are loved and missed when they go, not to mention the suffering caused to the animals themselves.
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
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02-05-2014 07:56 AM
There is a big (and I mean as in large) rat problem at the moment. Some people may be putting rat poison down with the best of intentions and realising the effects on the local animal population.
The council will deal with rats FOR FREE. Pass it on!!!
Posts: 189
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02-05-2014 10:40 AM
Apparently approved rat poison comes in small open-ended boxes which larger animals can't get into.
But there still may be a problem of cats and dogs picking up dead or dying rodents and ingesting the poison that way.
It seems likely that the poisoning of pets is happening accidentally, but there are some disturbing forums in which people say they leave poison out because they object to neighbours' cats coming into their gardens, and feel that this is the only way to stop them. This is illegal and carries quite heavy penalties.
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02-05-2014 02:28 PM
Some people are very strange about cats. My neighbour two doors down seems to hate them; one time I actually caught him chasing one of mine (a tiny little half-Siamese and literally one of the cutest things you ever saw) with a hose, shouting 'b******d!' at her! I was quite shocked.
Mind you, all three of mine are uncharacteristically sweet-natured, non-destructive, elegant ladies who wouldn't dream of going to the toilet out of doors (....annoyingly, lol). If I were a non-cat person whose lovingly-tended floral borders were persistently trampled and pooed on, I might not be so sanguine about our feline friends.
But I wouldn't kill them - that's insane! : (
Posts: 47
Joined: Nov 2007
02-05-2014 07:26 PM
My cat was definitely poisoned ,but my neighbours cat was in a very bad state ( the foxes got to him ) so we couldn't find out if he was , but I can't think it's just a coincidence ! Both cats were really fussy eaters ,so does seem strange ! We have foxes in our garden and I would never harm them ,infact we rescued a tiny baby fox a couple of weeks ago and got him back to his mother I'm just hoping someone has put poison down for rats and not people's pets ,I'm hoping that's the end of it ,we have a new kitten and I'm keeping him in for the foreseeable future !
Posts: 716
Joined: Dec 2010
02-05-2014 08:28 PM
My neighbours cat was poisoned by Anti Freeze, Cats have a fondness for drinking stagnant water even if they have fresh at home so it is a huge worry.
He believed it was deliberate by a neighbourhood cat hater.
I think perhaps flyposting the penalties for being caught poisoning a household pet may help, along with a reminder that many gardens have movement triggered lighting and possibly CCTV which would be passed to the police.
Perhaps speak to the safer neighbourhood team about it?
I'm a bit frantic about this but clueless as to how to stop it...short of catching the perpetrator and sticking them in stocks at FH station