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New Sainsburys, 55-59 Honor Oak Park
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Posts: 11
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Post: #141
31-03-2012 06:18 PM

This is an interesting thread. As an ex editor of the largest publication for the food industry (and still a monthly columnist) I see both side of the argument. I agree that anything is better than a vacant site and in that case Sainsbury's could well be a good thing. On the bigger picture though, the argument that the big 4 retailers satisfy all consumer needs is a little simplistic. In many cases this is because decades of expansion and buying power has meant they have effectively told us what those needs are - we buy non seasonal food flown many thousands of miles, packaged the way they want it to ensure the supply chain is the most cost effective for them - not us. We buy what they sell as there is little choice in reality. For those who bemoan the expense of the smaller store, their prices tend to be based on real running costs. As Tesco's latest results show, there is little growth in the UK now and it is a 'stealing' game - the big 4 all need every possible site to keep shareholders happy that they will continue to grow. We are all complicit in this as we will all happily shop in these local stores when they open. As someone has said, this unfortunately is the world of big business and shareholder satisfaction.

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Post: #142
01-04-2012 09:00 AM

Well said - I wholeheartedly agree.

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Post: #143
02-04-2012 04:57 PM

The latest position is that a few tweaks were required on the residential element but those are now resolved and the next step will be the public meeting. The large number of objections that suddenly appeared were causing Mr. Whitington some concerns as regards a venue even though it is highly unlikely that these folk are actually concerned enough to want to go out in the evening to voice their misgivings. I believe he is now intending to convene a meeting with invited representatives of the parties involved but the fact that such a meeting is being arranged is normally a sign that the Council are in support of the application. They would not need to get public support for a negative decision, they would simply issue a refusal.
Having said all that it will still need to go before a Committee of local councillors who will consider the issues so any written support to the email address above is still extremely important, even at this late stage.
Let's get this done and we could have a Sainsbury's by Christmas!

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Post: #144
02-04-2012 06:14 PM

I was talking last night to a friend who lives near a Tesco Metro which opened in SW London a few years back.

The impact on the local parade was, in their opinion, overwhelmingly positive. They did lose some shops with an overlapping offering but some shops adjusted their offering to differentiate themselves and the premises that were vacated were replaced with new offerings.

They had a strong sense that Tesco brought increased footfall to the parade and the spin off to the whole parade was net positive in increasing it's viability.

Nedless to say, those who owned the businesses which closed would have a different opinion but this is a commercial situation.

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Post: #145
02-04-2012 06:20 PM

Given the amount if empty units it would be outrageous to block this proposal

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Post: #146
05-04-2012 09:11 AM

I am pleased to say that a date for the public meeting has now been arranged and Councillor Morrison has kindly agreed to chair. It will be held at 7pm on Thursday 19th April at St. Cyprians Church Hall on Brockley Road. Access is found next to 1 Braxfield Road. There will be an opportunity to hear from a Sainsbury's representative as well as the architect and Mr. Whitington, the planning officer.
I hope that this will alleviate the concerns of the objectors and allow the many in favour to show ther support.

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Post: #147
05-04-2012 09:22 AM

Thanks for the heads up Calm1. I will definitely come along, will be interesting to hear what they have to say and everyones views.

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Codrington Brill

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Post: #148
05-04-2012 12:50 PM

As I predicted, the only problem in planning terms was the residential element.

What some residents need to realise is that the planning system has no power to determine which specific company occupies a particualar premises.

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Post: #149
13-04-2012 09:50 PM

I am on the 'Yes!' side of this discussion.

It will mean no more 8mile cycle / run commute with a 2.5kg bag of spuds and various other groceries in my rucksack. I shall be able to grab my things 200 meters from my flat and walk them home.


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Post: #150
16-04-2012 07:25 AM


8miles?? there are a number of stores considerably closer that will enable you to save your energies. Brockey Supermarket, and Budgens being my favourites.

An alternative would be to simply incorporate this use of additional weight into a wider training session. Add a spot of swimming (note: remove rucksack), and you could join the wonderful world of triathlon.

Note: Before anyone uses this post as a reason against the proposed new store. I have every intention of continuing to use the both the above stores unless I am coming from HOP station.

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Post: #151
16-04-2012 12:00 PM

All people who are pro a Sainsbury's coming to our Highstreet don't forget that there is a meeting taking place 'at 7pm on Thursday 19th April at St. Cyprians Church Hall on Brockley Road. Access is found next to 1 Braxfield Road'.

Anyone pro this i'm sure it would be really in everyone's interest if as many people as possible could get down there to show positive support for this. I'm sure it will make a difference.

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Post: #152
16-04-2012 12:08 PM


I am unable to attend, but is there any way of sending formal "apologies".

I have already written to the planning office with my support for the proposal

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Post: #153
16-04-2012 01:18 PM

I have no idea really as i'm just someone from HOP who is pro Saino's coming to our area. I just wanted to remind people that's it's on and to come along and show support if they think it's good that there may be a place to buy fresh veg and meat down our way soon. WOOHOO!!

Calm1 seems to be the man/woman in the know.

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Post: #154
16-04-2012 01:34 PM

I shall also be attending and making my voice heard in favour. The are far too many empty shops on the parade

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Post: #155
19-04-2012 09:56 AM

Don't forget the meeting tonight peoples

Would be good to get as many people as possible who are keen to make this happen down there

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Post: #156
19-04-2012 03:20 PM

Please send us an update on how it went as soon as you get back!

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Post: #157
19-04-2012 05:03 PM

For those having trouble picturing where tonight's meeting will be taking place, the "orange google man" link is here;

For some reason I thought it was in crofton park before looking it up. Smile

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Post: #158
19-04-2012 07:23 PM

I wasn't able to attend in the end annoyed with myself. If someone could kindly summerise the jist of the meeting to those that didn't attend that would be smashing Thumbsup

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Post: #159
19-04-2012 10:23 PM

any news? I was working and was not able to attend.

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Post: #160
20-04-2012 09:04 AM

The meeting was much as one would have expected with just the occasional unexpected twist.
Councillor Morrisson opened with introductions and the first question from the floor was a general attack on Sainsburys, the landlord and anything that would change the trading experience of the existing shopkeepers. It was pointed out that the landlord owns four of the shops; three of which it bought vacant and the fourth, The White Wood Shop was only vacant due to the lack of any payment of rent for over six months.
The first googly, however, was the fact that the letters that had gone out during the consultation period apparently only referred to 57-59 and the fact that 55 was now included seemed to be worse than some form of hate crime to some of the participants! It does however mean that the process was flawed and Geoff Whitington has proposed a short additional consultation period to correct their mistake.
The gentleman who posted the infamous poster stood up and made his 'Sainsbury's are capitalists who sell unhealthy food' rant and one or two other locals who have lived in Homor Oak for many years raised their concerns over changes to their high street, which was answered by a young couple who simply wanted the benefit of a local outlet that provided fresh vegetables, chicken breasts, a free cash machine and a wider selection of options. The father ans son who operate one of the stores and have done for thirty years voiced their extreme concerns at the potential damage to their livelihood and Carita from Sainsbury's offered to show aces studies which she brought, the nearest in Herne Hill, in which local tradesman has found that the opposite was indeed true and that their business had in fact improved. Of course we cannot know for sure how this will impact but ,as a young gentleman succinctly pointed out, this is not actually a planning issue and Geoff Whitington confirmed that the Council has no say in the end user of any commercial unit.
Matters that were raised that did have a material impact on the planning side were then raised, namely traffic, parking, deliveries and safety issues.
Sainsbury's representative pointed out that all their drivers have very high safety standards and are not allowed to reverse and that the deliveries would be made to the front of the shop using the existing loading bay and refuse would be take away on the same van ( 80% for re-cycling). There is one Sainsburys van per day and three others from outside sources providing fresh bread and milk and cigarettes and liquor. All will be outside peak hours, either early in the morning or later inthe evening. They are going to provide a statement on request from Mr. Whitington detailing their processes and this will be attached to the planning website.
It was pointed out that there are at present six residential units over the three properties and this number will be unchanged following the re configuration and therefore the parking impact is limited only to those shoppers who want to pull up to do a bit of shopping at whichever shop they choose and obviously limited to the existing spaces that are already available. Of course the fact that the road is fairly narrow was pointed out and the danger to pedestrians at the crossings was raised but this being a bus route already large vehicles clearly negotiate it successfully and Sainsbury's deliveries should be no different.
It was suggested by the conspiracy theorists that the venue had been arranged by the landlords to make it difficult for people to attend but Councillor Morrisson confirmed that due to the number of respondents no local venue was available. She would have preferred to use th Town Hall offices in Catford as they would have been at no cost but it was felt that the hall would be much more convenient to local people. As predicted, from a total of 87 registered objectors there were at my best estimate fifteen people at the meeting who were against and about ten in favour.
The gentleman from Wilmotts finally pointed out that he had seen significant improvements following the high level of investment made by themselves, Jelly Bean, the florist and others who had taken occupation since these properties had started to find their way to the market and expected this to continue.
I hope that anybody who was in attendance that finds any inaccuracies in my personal summary will take the time to point them out.
With best wishes.

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