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Dacres Road parking problems
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Posts: 2,002
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Post: #1
06-03-2008 09:21 AM

In particular reference to Perry Vale end of Dacres Road they station parkers are a real menace. You only have to look at the area after 7pm or weekends to see how much quieter it is.
Apart from handicapped people no one in SE 23 lives too far from the station. They should walk.
If cars are coming from further afield , which I fear , then even less excuse.
Again should use local stations.
I would like council to introduce 1 hour no parking , say 10 am to 11am , I suggest they will not as less revenue than CPZs . I have been very much against CPZs but if that is the only way to stop these lazy and selfish people so be it

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Post: #2
06-03-2008 09:40 AM

Waldenshaw Road and the surrounding area is now a haven since the introduction of the CPZ.

Have you ever had a look at the station car park during the day, mostly empty.Mad

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Post: #3
06-03-2008 10:06 AM

It was obvious that since Perry Vale car park stopped being free that all those people who were parking there would end up parking on local roads. We have the ridiculous situation of empty car parks and packed streets, which make the roads more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists and significantly inconveniences people who live in these roads.

The solution is to have a limited number of paid parking places in Perry Vale car park to keep a flow of people who use the local shops through the day, and the majority of the spaces should be free.

I now live too close to the station to ever wish to drive (that has not always been the case when I had somewhere to go after work and wanted to quickly pick up the car). But when I am going to an airport, parking at the bottom of the hill makes it much easier on my return than dragging a suitcase up the hill, and it would be embarrassing to get a taxi for a 1 minute journey. My point is that there are good reasons why local people should wish to drive to the station, but most are probably just being lazy (no law against that is there?)

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Post: #4
06-03-2008 10:24 AM

Part of a report (Item 9) entitled 'Detail of Parking Charges Increase ? In line with Revenue Budget Savings Proposals 2008/9' put before the Mayor last night.

The proposal was not to change the tariffs at Perry Vale.

In a smaller centre there may be a case for a short free parking
period so that people who want to stop for a quick low value item are not penalised by having to pay for an hour?s parking.

If the car park has spare capacity then there may be a case for allowing all day parking (i.e. in excess of two hours) to fill otherwise unused bays. An example of this is Perry Vale car park.

However, again there is a need to consider other parking options for users.

In Perry Vale there is only a small CPZ so that many cars park on street. But Forest Hill station also offers all day parking so the level of charge there has also to be taken into account. Because all car parks except Holbeach in Catford are unstaffed, the tariff has to be
simple to understand.

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Post: #5
06-03-2008 11:08 AM

Thanks for all your interesting comments. I believe most of these people drive some miles to FH Station. It is getting a real pain in Dacres Road , indeed it is blocked right up to German Church.
This causes major problems for services such as meals on wheels , dustcarts etc. Also regretably had 2 funerals from home in last 2 years neither of which could park outside.
I have always been against CPZ's but think now perhaps the time has come. I will contact our Councillor for assertain the situation.

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Post: #6
06-03-2008 11:19 AM

Re CPZ's part of the proposal is to increase the annual residents' fee from ?35 to ?60.

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Post: #7
06-03-2008 11:21 AM

Happily pay that for the ability to park where we do right now.

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Post: #8
06-03-2008 11:22 AM

Hi forest
No problem I have own garage and no car at present and at least visitors could park

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Post: #9
06-03-2008 01:19 PM

I don't have a car so does no affect me, but officers have warned

It is likely that this increase may be unpopular with residents and may result in a negative impact to our CPZ implementation and review programme. A clear communication strategy will be required to ensure officers are able to deal with any reaction to these increases effectively.

I assume cars parking at Forest Hill are commuters saving money on train fares, would it be worth finding out if that is the case and how far away they live?

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Post: #10
06-03-2008 02:47 PM

michael wrote:
The solution is to have a limited number of paid parking places in Perry Vale car park to keep a flow of people who use the local shops through the day, and the majority of the spaces should be free.

Completely disagree. This penalises people who use FH shops by making them pay while those who just clog up our roads to save money on their rail fares or too lazy to walk to the station are encouraged with free parking.

The car parks would be more used, and shops in FH benefit, if a longer free parking time of 2 hours were introduced. The present half hour only allows a very short shop, and simply encourages use of the big supermarkets like Bell Green Sainsbury's with their own car park.

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Post: #11
06-03-2008 04:03 PM

Thank heavens!
I was just about to mail Lewisham about this exact issue, primarily the 3 "spaces" at the end of Dacres, on the corner of Parry Vale.

Using these spaces forces cars to drive in the middle of the road, over the raised section, rounding the corner in the middle and heading directly for not only cars waiting on the corner to enter Dacres, but also the crossing point for Christchurch School!

That needs to be lined.

Lots of road issues all around, but this is my bug point right now.

As in pics...

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Post: #12
06-03-2008 04:06 PM

steveb wrote:

michael wrote:
The solution is to have a limited number of paid parking places in Perry Vale car park to keep a flow of people who use the local shops through the day, and the majority of the spaces should be free.

Completely disagree. This penalises people who use FH shops by making them pay while those who just clog up our roads to save money on their rail fares or too lazy to walk to the station are encouraged with free parking.

The car parks would be more used, and shops in FH benefit, if a longer free parking time of 2 hours were introduced. The present half hour only allows a very short shop, and simply encourages use of the big supermarkets like Bell Green Sainsbury's with their own car park.

I think the two proposals can work together. Free parking for two hours for a limited number of spaces (plus the car park behind Sainsburys and limited stay on Dartmouth Road). But for a number of spaces they should be usable by the commuters all day for free. This has to be better than them parking on all the surrounding streets or penalising local residents with a ?65 CPZ.

A 1 hour no parking zone would prevent residents leaving their cars outside their houses as well as commuters and again punishes local residents for the actions of others.

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Post: #13
06-03-2008 04:08 PM

ForestGump wrote:
Re CPZ's part of the proposal is to increase the annual residents' fee from ?35 to ?60.

I'm neither surprised, nor pleased, by this Sad. However, I cannot find any reference to this in the PAC Parking Policy Review (4Mar2008) other than

The evidence has demonstrated that Lewisham?s parking surplus is reasonable for a Borough, though the review of charges carried out as part of the Council?s budget strategy for 2008-9 is estimated to increase charges by between 15% and 70%.

The fee was only increased from ?30 in July 2007

When is the 1yr review of the David's Rd CPZ due?

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Post: #14
06-03-2008 06:53 PM

This is the report with recommendations that went before the Mayor last night.

Paragraph 4....

Resident Permit Charges

The increased income of ?192k is to be achieved by increasing the resident permit charge (currently ?35) to ?60. The increased income was calculated on the current number of resident permits holders.

In comparison to resident permit charges across London, Lewisham?s current permit charge is relatively low. In July 2007 a conservative uplift of ?5.00 was applied, the first increase in four years.

For details of On & Off street charges see Item 9 B & C. Also a comparison with other boroughs can be found under additional documents.

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Post: #15
06-03-2008 08:47 PM

I have mailed my local councillor and will advise

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Post: #16
07-03-2008 07:47 AM

Hello Snazy
Re your pictures. I am amazed anyone would want to risk their car parking as in the picture. Despite the lack of lines I am sure the law says common sense dictates you do not park there.
Also in Dacres Road a number of the cars could be booked for parking too close to corners etc.

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Post: #17
07-03-2008 10:12 AM

Brian, I totally agree, but we all know there is a distinct lack of common sense on Britain's roads these days lol.
To be a party pooper, I have contacted road planning and other departments of Lewisham requesting they address this issue.
I pass the corner at 8.30-9am daily, and to say the parking makes it unsafe is an understatement.

My complaint goes a little like this...

Firstly the junction of Dacres Road and Perry Vale in SE23.
This is on a 90 degree blind corner, and is very local to the Christchurch Primary School entrance on Perry Vale.
At the said junction, on the far side of the road, the section of Perry Vale from which you would approach to turn left into Dacres Road, there is a short section of roadway with no parking restriction. A very rare thing in this borough, however a section of road which is in dire need of management.

To the middle of the road immediately adjacent to this stretch of road are chevrons, and a painted raised hump in the middle of the road, I assume to stop drivers cutting the corner, as it is dangerous to do so. Doing so brings cars travelling towards the station, on a collision path with traffic waiting to turn into Dacres Road, and also directs the traffic to the crossing point for the primary school. A serious flaw in planning somewhere along the line has occurred.

I have attached photos of this junction, along with images of traffic travelling on the said path, which I hope will highlight my concerns.
A couple of months ago a car (ford focus) lost control after hitting the said hump, after cutting the corner, only to lose control, spin, and both strike the island and the railings at the crossing. Had this been 8.45am and not pm, there would have been serious junior casualties if not fatalities.

I hope this matter can be looked into with the upmost urgency, and look forward to seeing some form of restriction on this corner, for safety sake.

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Post: #18
07-03-2008 10:14 AM

michael wrote:
I think the two proposals can work together. Free parking for two hours for a limited number of spaces (plus the car park behind Sainsburys and limited stay on Dartmouth Road). But for a number of spaces they should be usable by the commuters all day for free. This has to be better than them parking on all the surrounding streets or penalising local residents with a ?65 CPZ.

Agree they can work together, but I'd like to see some evidence on who would use these spaces. My suspicion is that its people who drive to FH from oustside the station catchment area to take use the fast services into London. This means more traffic, more accidents, and busier station: all things I would oppose and would not want to see encouraged by subsidised parking.

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Post: #19
07-03-2008 12:35 PM

I agree with all comments

Re cars parked dangerously in Perry Vale this I am sure is a Police matter. Just because there are no yellow lines does not maen you should park there if an obvious danger. Also they are legally too close to the corner so could be done under that.
Where are the Police.

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Post: #20
07-03-2008 03:03 PM

Interesting comments above about people exercising common sense and not parking too close to corners, or in places where there might be an obvious danger.

I think that the sad fact is that a lot of drivers in the UK, and particularly London are now so conditioned by PCN's etc that they can't see beyond the "is there a restriction here?" bad man view of parking. Which means that they park right up to corners/drives etc. with no thought as to the danger/inconvenience they might be causing.

As pessimistic as it sounds, I don't think it's going to change anytime soon either. Around the streets south of HOP where I live we have a real problem with this sort of behaviour, and I have yet to see anyone ticketed for it. Interesting that the Highway Code still says you ought not park within 32 feet of a junction, though I suspect that if the constabulary spent their time enforcing this there wouldn't be time for them to do anything else.

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