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Water on Ewelme Road
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Posts: 11
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Post: #1
19-01-2015 09:03 PM

I have been complaining to Thames Water about the ever present water on Ewelme Rd, since October. I have had all sorts of responses including '..we can not get permission from the landlord ...' (to investigate the leak half way down Ewelme.) 'The council keep turning down the permit to allow the major work involved to take place... '(leak at the top of Ewelme) [/b]and today I received the classic 'The engineer says there is no chlorine in the water so it is surface water and not coming from our pipes...' Ewelme Rd is a very steep hill. The surface water froze on Friday night making part of the road lethal for cyclists and difficult for cars. I have repeatedly warned Thames Water that this would happen. If there are any councillors reading this forum can you please help us sort out this ridiculous and increasingly dangerous situation.

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Post: #2
19-01-2015 10:25 PM

Cllr Paul Upex is fully aware as of Saturday and has promised action.

Midlifec, are you the person who put notes through our doors if so please lets swop email addresses as we need to get a petition up.

My view is that this isnt a leak but an underground stream in which case I dont know what the answer is. This has been a problem for much of the 16 years Ive lived here. Residents including us have had impromptu streams appear in their garages and basements.

I suggest we lobby Cllr Upex for a meeting to lead on getting all the facts together?

But can you contact me also please via a PM?

Many thanks

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Post: #3
20-01-2015 10:02 AM

Even if it is surface water, I think Thames Water still have a responsibility for drainage. after the flood (I think in 1993) they built an additional rainwater sewer pipe.

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Post: #4
20-01-2015 10:48 AM

That would be unusual I think. The storm water drains, for instance, are maintained by the council.

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Post: #5
20-01-2015 10:53 AM

They are maintained by Lewisham Council as agents for Thames Water. Provision of drinking water and drainage were combined with water authorities many years ago when Ted Heath was Prime Minister. But curiously the maintenance of drainage remained with the Council (as agents).
Was this change really necessary?

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Post: #6
20-01-2015 11:25 AM

Thank you very much for this information Roz. I will send you a PM. I think the very minimum requirement is for the council to ensure that this road is gritted when the temperature drops below freezing to avoid accidents.

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Cllr Paul Upex

Posts: 41
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Post: #7
27-01-2015 03:26 PM

Hello all

I just wanted to share with you the email that I have sent regarding this issue to Thames Water - happy to meet with residents next week to discuss this and other issues.

Feel free to contact me using the details below or I will be at Forest Hill Library on Saturday 14 February 10.30am to 12 noon for an advice Surgery

Email to Thames Water

To whom it may concern

As the Councillor for Forest Hill ward in Lewisham I have been contacted by a number of residents in Ewelme Road in Forest Hill regarding surface water on this road and the danger that it causes. Residents do seem to have received a number of responses from Thames Water – ranging from underwater stream, Lewisham refusing major works permission or a problem with the drains – with no concrete action taken or outlined.

At present this water is freezing and causing parts of the road to be extremely dangerous for cyclist, pedestrians and drivers. I am seeking clarification from Lewisham regarding their policy on gritting this road.

I am due to be meeting with residents next week and would appreciate a concrete update regarding what action could be taken before this meeting next week or alternatively would Thames Water consider meeting myself and local residents on this Road to discuss this issue further.

Best wishes

Cllr Paul Upex
Forest Hill Ward
020 8314 9952

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Post: #8
27-01-2015 06:50 PM

Thanks Paul.

Another utilities issue heading your way-! significant amounts of sediment found in incoming gas mains- potential significant damage to boilers. My engineer flushed out a bucketload. Over time can completely wreck boilers. Apparently it can happen but not in such huge quantities. A sign of a contaminated gas supply. Any advice helpful as really not sure where to start with this one and its ongoing.

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Post: #9
28-01-2015 07:34 PM

Thank you Paul for responding so promptly.

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Post: #10
28-01-2015 08:31 PM


it is difficult to see how this can happen as the gas main is under high pressure.

I have only heard of this happening in schools where mischievous pupils connect the water mains to the gas mains! Water is under higher pressure and floods the gas main.

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Post: #11
30-01-2015 05:58 PM

Well a load of grey sediment came out of the gas pipe and I have the remnans in a cup in the kitchen. Would welcome any suggestions.

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Post: #12
30-01-2015 06:13 PM

Potentially however an issue due to the permanent flooding in Ewelme? Water has been getting into the gas main?

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Post: #13
30-01-2015 08:02 PM

Happened to us in the past but this was when the mains were metal and leaked regularly. It led to problems with our boiler.
See also

This post was last modified: 30-01-2015 08:06 PM by Erekose.

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Post: #14
31-01-2015 05:58 AM

Light dusting of snow and heavy frost- our road looks absolutely lethal now. No cars have gone through yet. No gritting done.

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Post: #15
31-01-2015 06:32 AM

Thames Water
Customer Resolution
PO Box 492
SN38 8TU

Telephone: 0800 0093965
Fax: 01793 424291

30 January 2015

Our Ref: 33155819

Ewelme Road

Dear Councillor Upex

I am writing further to my email and telephone message of yesterday.

I have spoken to Gary Page, our Field Operations Specialist, who has overseen the investigation into the water visible in Ewelme Road. We have completed extensive investigations into its source and can confirm it is not coming from our pipework.

We recently carried out a four hour trial shut of our main to see if there was any effect upon the water appearing in the road but there was none. We have also tested the water found in the BT chamber pits. We found no Chlorine, which would have indicated that the water came from our clean pipework, or Ammonia, which would indicate it came from our sewers. We have also checked the main in Ewelme Road and found no leaks.

In light of your concerns, Gary visited site again yesterday and checked the main again, just to ensure there were no leaks. Again he found no evidence of any leaks and we are confident that the water is naturally occurring and not from any of our assets. During this visit he did notice a blocked roadside gulley which could be contributing to the problem. Gary has reported this to Lewisham Council and they have confirmed they are arranging for their contractors to jet this clear.

We have updated the residents who had contacted us directly with our findings but Gary would be happy to meet you and the residents to explain our investigations and findings in person. He is available between 11am and 2pm any day next week. Please call me on the telephone number below and I will make the arrangements.

If you need to speak to me about this, please call me on 0800 0093965. We are open between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Yours sincerely

Michael Flynn

Customer Resolution

To view the Thames Water quality promise leaflet, please go to

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Post: #16
31-01-2015 02:00 PM

I am not convinced that the lack of chlorine in the surface water proves conclusively that it does not come from the mains.

I have found the following on the Internet:
"Chlorine and related compounds will make their way out of tap water if the container is simply left uncovered in the refrigerator for 24 hours."

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Post: #17
31-01-2015 02:13 PM

Thats interesting Sherwood.

Some years ago we had strange flooding in our garage twice in one year which flooded the kitchen badly. We had TW out to do tests and they advised the same thing. It hasnt happened since but it has in other houses in our road.

The gas main sediment should also be tested I think.

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Post: #18
31-01-2015 08:06 PM

An old post from David Whiting:-
"So far as mains water is concerned, it can travel quite a distance. We had a problem on the Tyson Road estate with 'seeping' mains water, which was coming from way up the hill."

I think that is what is happening. It seems if the water takes 24 hours to surface it will lose its chlorine.

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Cllr Paul Upex

Posts: 41
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Post: #19
02-02-2015 12:46 PM

Afternoon all

I just wanted to invite local residents to a meeting with Thames Water this Thursday 5 Feb 11 am on the corner of Ewelme Rd and Honor Oak Road - I do not intend to make the meeting just about Ewelme and would welcome any residents from the local area with similar issues.

For further updates please see below.

Cllr Paul Upex
Forest Hill Ward
020 8314 9952

Meeting confirmation

Ewelme Road
Thursday 5 February at 11am

Dear Councillor Upex

Thank you for your message. I am pleased to confirm I have spoken to Gary Page and confirmed he is available to meet you in Ewelme Road on Thursday 5 February at 11am. I have also arranged for one of our Customer Representatives to attend the meeting to help answer any questions you or residents may have.

Further Update

I am writing further to my email and telephone message of yesterday.
I have spoken to Gary Page, our Field Operations Specialist, who has overseen the investigation into the water visible in Ewelme Road. We have completed extensive investigations into its source and can confirm it is not coming from our pipework.

We recently carried out a four hour trial shut of our main to see if there was any effect upon the water appearing in the road but there was none. We have also tested the water found in the BT chamber pits. We found no Chlorine, which would have indicated that the water came from our clean pipework, or Ammonia, which would indicate it came from our sewers. We have also checked the main in Ewelme Road and found no leaks.

In light of your concerns, Gary visited site again yesterday and checked the main again, just to ensure there were no leaks. Again he found no evidence of any leaks and we are confident that the water is naturally occurring and not from any of our assets.

During this visit he did notice a blocked roadside gulley which could be contributing to the problem. Gary has reported this to Lewisham Council and they have confirmed they are arranging for their contractors to jet this clear.

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Posts: 24
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Post: #20
02-02-2015 12:49 PM

Ewelme Rd was a nightmare this morning because of ice on the road. There were a number of cars which got stuck on the ice at the top of the road resulting in the queue of cars behind them reversing back down the road into oncoming traffic at the junction of Woodcombe Rd. My husband and many other residents could not get their cars away from the kerbside because of the ice. This road needs to be closed in these weather conditions until the council find a solution to the dangerous situation caused by so much surface water on this road.
I will be attending the meeting with Paul Upex but something needsto be out into action NOW to stop this happening again tomorrow andfor however long this cold spell continues for.

I have been telling Thames Water since October that this situation would occur and when they eventually got back to me they have said it is not their responsibility.( See Above) I suggest Lewisham Council make it their responsibility as a matter of urgency before someone is injured.

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