My cat William went missing last night and I'm really worried as this is unusual for him, plus the weather is getting so cold.
He is a large, very fluffy and hairy black and white (mostly back/dark brown, white paws and tuxedo/nose) 7yr old male, chipped and neutered, no collar.
He lives in Garthorne Road, railway side (the 60s terrace bordering onto the nature reserve). He is an indoor/outdoor cat but normally only ventures into the garden at the back and occasionally the neighbours' garden for and hour or so, never more than a few hours. The cat flap (to the garden at back) is normally closed after dark, but I let him out (for what I thought would be a few minutes) at around 9pm as he was meowing loudly and scratching at the flap. He's not been back since, I've walked the streets for a couple of hours with no luck (he's never been out to the front of the house and doesn't know his way around any of the surrounding roads).
If you live on Garthorne (or Beadnell Rd, Ackroyd, Whatman etc), I'd be really grateful if you could check your gardens, if you see him, please let me know - he means the world to me!
I've attached a few pics. Many thanks!