Does anybody know the name of the bird/s nesting high in the eaves in one of the 3-4 larger terraced houses along Brockley Road near White’s decorators’ suppliers. It seemed to have reddish top of the head but rest of the body was fawn. Very nice song. The other day I noticed a man with binoculars studying the bird/s from the opposite side of the road. Not very clear picture attached
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Looks like a House Sparrow and most likely if is nesting in the eaves. The other local bird with a reddish top to the head is a female Blackcap but I think the recent hard winters have reduced their numbers and they nest in trees and scrub.
Check out the RSPB website for a good identification guide.
Thanks for taking the trouble- it’s good to have it narrowed down before looking up RSPB.
I think it is a female Black Cap.
I used to have sparrow in my garden though I don’t see them in the immediate neighborhood; still I was pretty sure it wasn’t one of them.
Thanks again