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Planning Application: 6 Church Rise
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Posts: 379
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Post: #1
03-07-2010 10:08 AM

There is a planning application for 6 Church Rise. Not sure if they plan to knock down and rebuild or dig out and extend.

6 CHURCH RISE, LONDON, SE23 2UD SE23 2UD (DC/10/74482/X)

The construction of a part one/part three storey block including basement at 6 Church Rise SE23, comprising 7 one bedroom, 1 two bedroom and 1, three bedroom self-contained flats, together with the provision of refuse/recycle stores, cycle stores and 3 off street parking spaces to the front.


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Post: #2
03-07-2010 01:13 PM

There is nothing to knock down, number 6 was made unsafe by the last developers and demolished. That is why the plans show a vacant plot at the moment.

One interesting point is in this document.
Apparently this is now Forest Gate.

I am pleased to see the planned materials for the project though.
My big concern is the ground works, for anyone familiar with the site, it already puts my house at risk.

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Post: #3
05-07-2010 10:26 AM

****** hell, it actually looks OK! I was expecting a bland modern design completely out of character with the neighbouring houses, but it seems they've made an attempt to replicate the original. I wonder if that was of their own volition or whether the planning department encouraged them to replace like with like.

By the way, the applicant's address is in Southfields SW18, which is where Earlsfield Estates (the now-defunct former developer) were also based. Coincidence?!

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Post: #4
05-07-2010 11:12 AM

Cripes! Id be really worried I had a stake in this and Darren from the former Earlsfield Estates had anything to do with it.

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Post: #5
05-07-2010 12:07 PM

Earlsfield Estates - you would be better off buying a property that has yet to be built in Dubai

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Post: #6
07-07-2010 03:13 AM

Blushingsnail, I thought the same thing, I was shocked at how pleasing to the eye it appears. Let's see what becomes of it.
Still amused at the number of allocated parking paces against the number of bedrooms but hey.

As fir the developer, I also noticed this and wintered the same thing I imagine you all are too. Sadly not a lot that can be done about it. I know the ex partners of earls field were looking at a buy out of assets, but only time will tell when familiar faces appear again.

My main concern is not being evacuated again when they try and put that garden flat in. The one that was point blank refused last time due to the lay of the land etc.

Now begins a waiting game.

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Post: #7
07-07-2010 01:50 PM

I have to agree that the proposed elevations look OK in isolation, but the drawings are careful not to show the proposal in the context of its neighbours. It's really quite a large increase in density when compared to the original plans

DC/06/63019/X 1x studio, 4x 1 bed: total 5 units, 5 beds
DC/06/63460/FT 2x studio, 0x 1 bed, 2x2 bed 1x 3 bed: total 5 units, 7 beds.
DC/07/65872/X Retrospective addition of 2x 1bed in basement: total 7 units; 9 beds

Demolish and rebuild:
DC/08/69345/X 0x studio, 1x1 bed, 7x2 bed, 1x3 bed: total 9 units, 18 beds, 5 storey
DC/08/68203/X 2x studio, 6x1 bed, 2x 2 bed, 2x 3 bed: total 12 units, 18 beds, 4 storey
DC/10/74482/X 0x studio, 7x 1 bed, 1x 2 bed, 1x 3 bed: total 9 units, 12 beds, 3 storey + basement

The only place that Mincove Global (the agent) appear on the internet is this planning application Sad

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Post: #8
08-07-2010 01:56 AM

Increase in density is no surprise really given the market.
The increase in properties within number 10 has had an impact, so having another on the other side should be "interesting" to say the least.

Have to see what happens I guess, as long as they get the ground works right, these days I have almost given up caring.

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Post: #9
19-07-2010 01:34 PM

Any advice on this is welcomed....
While I don't object to the development proposed, I am worried about the stability of the land connecting the site to our house.

Who is the best person, body to approach about this? Last time I contacted planning I was told it was not a planning issue.

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Post: #10
25-07-2010 12:50 PM

Had a brief but pleasing meeting with one of the owner/developers of the property yesterday. He confirms they are also the owners of 14 Waldram.

The plan for number 6 CR is to put sheet piling in to a depth of four metres to prevent any further land slip before work commences.

Very grateful for his time and look forward to many more improptu meetings to keep everything on an even keel. So far, I'm hopeful that there is a safe road ahead.

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Post: #11
22-08-2010 03:16 PM

Wow, permission denied!
Was not expecting that to happen but can understand it.


Conditions or Reasons: The proposal, by reason of poor outlook from a significant number of habitable room windows, small rooms sizes and an unacceptable sense of enclosure, would create substandard residential accommodation for future residents and would represent an over development of the site, contrary to Policies URB 3 Urban Design and HSG 5 Layout and Design of New Residential Development in the adopted Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) and the Residential Development Standards: SPD (August 2006).

As I understand it, permission is still granted for the previous proposal. Hope something happens soon.

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Post: #12
06-10-2010 06:16 PM

New planning application (dated 23 September 2010) here. No documents attached yet.

According to the description it would be 7 units (although the description is not always accurate):

"The construction of a part one/part three storey building including basement at 6 Church Rise SE23, comprising 2 studio, 2 one-bedroom, 2 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom self-contained flats together with the provision of refuse/recycling storage to the front and storage for cycles to the rear. "

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Post: #13
06-10-2010 10:26 PM

Sounds a lot more realistic this time at least. Still a lot but more believable.
Now to really speak to the people who count SOON to ensure this does not end in disaster when it all happens.

Can't see this being refused if it's based on the last design.

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Post: #14
06-10-2010 10:33 PM

Be interesting to see how things go with the whole incident on Waldram though. Still want to get this whole process looked into in depth, but at the same time would love just a house next door again.

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Post: #15
09-10-2010 01:35 PM

Finally the plans have appeared on the lewisham site.
Once again, the actual proposal of the building to me is not an issue. It appears tasteful I have to say, but it throws up a couple of minor and one major issue.

An external 1st floor staircase allowing access to the 1st floor flat, which will overlook the gardens and possibly windows of #4
The application mentions the retention of the wall to the front of the property.... Errm its all but in pieces, if even still there.

And the major one, which I have raised before but is apparently NOT a planning issue is... The removal of the concrete from the foundations to enable the building of a basement flat. I cannot understand how this is not an issue to be addressed at this early stage!
Removal of it without proper ground prep will jeopardise the stability of houses nextdoor, simple as! And as we have seen from 14 Waldram this is no easy task.

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Post: #16
14-10-2010 03:53 PM

These plans seem to have staircases all over the place!

The outside staircase is probably a way of qualifying the 3 bed unit as a family property.

Hopefully planning will see through this and reject the scheme.

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Post: #17
14-10-2010 06:43 PM

For a modern property the staircases are shocking, especially the external side on. Not too sure how that will affect #4 but it looks a bit iffy to me.

All that said and done, I would love to have a house next door to us once again now, and be rid of that hidious white rotting hoarding at all the way up my driveway and path.

Can't win now, worried about the stability of the house, but want something there.
Ideal solution, refuse permission for a basement, fill the whole thing with concrete, and build a house. Win win.

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Post: #18
22-10-2010 12:37 PM

The Forest Hill Society has objected to this application. Full text of the objection by the Forest Hill Society can be read by following the link from

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Post: #19
22-10-2010 01:50 PM

Thanks for that Michael, appreciate being kept in the loop like that Thumbup

I would love to see the consultation with highways about this. #10 has 5 allocated parking spaces, yet less bedrooms and units.... strange how they determine that this property will need LESS off street parking, considering the current parking situation ON road.

Like I have said, im excited about seeing a house finally go up, but somewhat concerned at how it happens.

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Post: #20
13-12-2010 02:31 PM

I have been updated by the planning officer that revised plans have been submitted ( that make some improvements to the living standard in the proposed development.

Slightly fewer outside staircases is part of this.

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