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Open House for an Open Gaza, Event on 18.9
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Posts: 52
Joined: Sep 2010
Post: #1
05-09-2010 04:56 PM

Lewisham Peace Justice Solidarity is holding a fundraining event for Gaza
from 2pm until 11pm on Saturday 18th September at the Cafe Crema (306 New
Cross Road, New Cross, London SE14 6AF; buses 21, 36, 53, 136, 171, 172,
177, 225, 321, 436, 453, P13; trains and underground New Cross and New Cross
The next aid convoy and flotilla is leaving shortly to break the Israeli
siege of Gaza, which has now lasted for 4 years. In the middle of the siege
the world witnessed the bombardment of Gaza when 1400 people were killed,
thousands injured and the Gazan economy crushed still further with the
destruction of factories, farms, schools as well as homes, Mosques and
hospitals. The impact of these attacks continues in terms of physical and
mental well being of the Palestinian people trapped in Gaza. Despite the
brutal attack on the international flotilla in May this year when 9 were
killed, more than 30 injured and all 650 peace activists arrested, people
from across the world are planning further convoys to break the siege of
Gaza. Let the people of Gaza know they are not forgotten, come to this event
and enjoy yourself at the same time.
The event will have:
food and drink (afternoon and evening)
childrens events (afternoon) - face painting, origami, mural painting,
films (afternoon)
music (afternoon and evening) - jazz, folk, soul, and honky-tonk
Nabila: soulful eclectic singer-songwriter
Denis Fernando: piano
Danusia: soul singer
Michael Leal: jazz piano
Hannah Levane: jazz singer - fresh from the West End stage
The Reverend Jim Casey: acoustic honky tonk band
Ian Saville: magician
Strawberry Thieves: Socialist Choir

Sale of promises:Already pledged: help with boat work, Indian, Iraqi or Lebanese meal for two, Physics or Maths tuition, a Manicure or a Makeover.
Make an offer of an hour or two's work by e-mail to, or put a message on the
Lewisham Peace Justice solidarity Facebook page;
see what's on offer at, and buy on the night - all money going to Gaza.

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Posts: 2,002
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Post: #2
05-09-2010 07:26 PM

Surely this is a bit one sided, although probably well meaning.

We blockaded The Falklands in 82 to protect it from aggressors , surely The Israelis could be said by some to be doing the same.

This conflict is not black and white and I think we should remember why millions of Jewish persons are in Israel.

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Posts: 1,796
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Post: #3
05-09-2010 08:26 PM

I dont think people will forget Brian but it doesn't give anyone the right to deny Palestinians their rights.The situation is however complex as you say but it has been widely acknowledged that the continued blockade of Gaza is unacceptable.

I hope the event goes well , sorry I can't make it.

As regards the Falklands, that was a war between two European aggressors who stole the land in the first place. Probably from a load of penguins, but nicked it was nonetheless.

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Post: #4
05-09-2010 09:10 PM

Appreciate your comments Roz but Gaza is not blockaded.
All goods that are sent via Israel ( except war materials ) are let through.
Also Egypt lets cargo through its borders.

They are only blockaded by sea to stop them bringing in weapons and missiles to shoot at Israel.

As mentioned this is a very complex issue and neither side has 100% right on its side but another convoy is just asking for trouble.

On another issue I agree 95% of Argentinians are of European extraction but not sure they want to be referred to as European . This again is another complex issue.

I just thought this posting was a bit political and for what is a local events Forum.

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Posts: 52
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Post: #5
06-09-2010 09:06 AM

There is, as Jeremy Hardy put it, 'anti-cementism' as far as what Israel 'allows' into Gaza (as well as many other antis e.g. anti-toys, anti-pasta) etc.




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Posts: 3,261
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Post: #6
06-09-2010 02:57 PM

I share everybody's concern for citizens of Gaza but I don't particularly like anti-Semitism being turned into a joke.

And whilst I hope most people recognise that Israel's blockade went too far and was too restrictive, since June Israel has allowed a much larger range of goods into Gaza - including food, toys, and cement for internationally monitored reconstruction.

The naval blockade (and remaining land blockade) is in place to prevent a route for arms shipments to Hamas, who have responded to the current round of peace talks by killing Israelis in a deliberate attempt to provoke the Israeli government. If Hamas are to be taken seriously as a government of Gaza they need to stop attacking random civilians in deliberate acts designed to prevent peace.

The route to peace is not through arming Hamas or by breaking the naval blockade that prevents arms and military support materials reaching Hamas.

I would also point out that this 'Open House' is not connected, as fas as I know, with the real Open House events happening across London on the same weekend, celebrating London architecture, including The Capitol and Louise House in Forest Hill.

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Posts: 269
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Post: #7
06-09-2010 03:22 PM

I agree with Michael. I don't think this is appropriate for the events thread and I would say the same if it was a pro-Israel rally. I wouldn't mind if it was a fundraising event for The Red Cross or Save the Children but this makes me uneasy. I wonder what a convoy hopes to achieve at this particular time - apart from political grand-standing and possibly an attempt to de-stabilise peace talks currently taking place. I'm not sure it's very helpful right now.

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Post: #8
06-09-2010 07:28 PM

I agree with Michael and see for miles.

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Posts: 1,796
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Post: #9
07-09-2010 11:12 PM

Nice that everyones agreeing with each other! Peace and solidarity to everyone!

I don't agree however that such events should not be advertised on this website. The only banning if there is to be any should surely be of organisations or events leading to , originating from, or potentially invoking racial hatred. There may be a political leaning in this event, yes, but surely people can either decide whether or not to attend if they don't agree with the principles?

What has made this thread political is surely the debate and posts that followed the original post, not that post itself.

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Post: #10
08-09-2010 10:35 AM

I suggest you read the original post ( Brutal attack is just one comment that is certainly open to question ).
It seems is is OK for The Left to attack Israel and not be classed as racists because they say attacking Israel and not the Jewish People.
It should be remembered that Israel has had to fight on a number of occasions to survive. They only have to lose once and heaven knows what may occur.
I am not Jewish but object to double standards.
Perhaps the people in Gaza would be a bit better of if the women did not have about 10 children each. Perhaps the blockade busters should be sending condoms and other birth control devices

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Post: #11
08-09-2010 12:36 PM

"They only have to lose once and heaven knows what may occur."

I thought these 2 peoples coexisted fairly happily under the Ottoman empire for a long while. In theory, a return to the old peaceful set up, before Israel was created, could be a step in the right direction.

It is the Europeans who have the historical record of repeated severe anti Semitism, and all the extremes you imply.

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Posts: 3,261
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Post: #12
08-09-2010 02:06 PM

The first post was political, it is a notice of an event which is political and the selective historical context is political, but that does not mean it should not be allowed on this site.

Criticising Israeli government policy, whether from the Left or Right, does not make you a racist. However, there are clearly some opponents of Israel who are racist, as pointed out today by the rather left wing Fidel Castro -

Since the early 20th Century anti-Semitism has not been confined to Europe. Jews have experienced anti-Semitism and persecusion across the Arab world as well as in Europe and other continents.

Suggesting that part of the problem is birth rates is a double standard itself. Many religious Jewish families in Israel, as well as religious Muslim families in Palestine, have large families. A high birth rate is not the problem and I find the suggestion that the children are the problem very problematic itself.

The Ottoman empire did allow for peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Jews (at a time when anti-Semitism was endemic across most of Christian Europe), but the era of the Nation State overtook the European Empires a while ago. You might as well suggest that the British should reoccupy India and Pakistan to bring peace to these countries. Israel should have as much right to exist today as any other country that exists in the world today, and I hope that we will soon be able to say the same about Palestine. A two state solution in the area is the only workable solution in the era of the nation state.

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Post: #13
08-09-2010 02:49 PM

I broadly agree with your comments Michael but surely to say that a horrendous birth rate in a country with a very small area and not many resources is not a problem is indeed strange. They are approx trebling their population in a generation.
Anyway I believe we have probably exhausted this subject which I still question whether should be on the site. The original biased poster is political but assuming that all the inhabitants think as they do.

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Posts: 269
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Post: #14
08-09-2010 06:50 PM

I don't think the original post existed in a non-political vacuum Roz!
It certainly wasn't made political by the posts that followed it, although the originators ref to 'anti-cementism' probably didn't help.

You can take certain comments out of their original comedy context, bung them in this particular thread and the effect is somewhat different. I work in journalism and I know how important context can be. I didn't like the flippant, self-satisfied tone and I stand by that.

Fair enough, I don't think this post should be banned, but I did say I didn't feel it was entirely appropriate, and furthermore I doubt other political events would get much of a look-in here if they didn't fit in with the political sympathies of a fair majority.

But by its very nature it does invite comment - and others have a right to do so.

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