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Poll: is flytipping a concern for you?
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Lewisham Against Fly-Tipping
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Posts: 1
Joined: Aug 2009
Post: #1
03-08-2009 09:57 PM

Hi Everyone! This is my first post and im really hoping you can help as i am struggling with my cause!!

I am currently studying for an MA in Design Innovation at The London college of communication in elephant and castle, and for my major project i am working with Lewisham council to try and reduce the number of illegal fly-tipping incidents within the borough.

in 2007/08, there were 54,000 reported cases! THATS 148 PER DAY!!!!

I am looking for any and all Lewisham residents that have an opinion on this to contact me, and ideally fill in a very short questionnaire.

very simple quick questions such as:

How often do you use the Landmann Way Recycling Centre.
Every Week
Once a Month
Twice a Month

Reasons for using it:
Do you feel it provides a good service?

If you have NEVER used Landmann Way Recycling Centre, Why?
Don?t know about it.
Haven?t needed to use it.
Too far away etc
Don?t own a car ? Car ownership levels may affect the visits to the dump.

Have you ever fly-tipped? Do you know of anyone who has fly-tipped? If yes, Why? Remember this is completely anonymous!
How much?

What do you consider to be the biggest obstacle for local people to use the local dump?

How much would you be prepared to pay for disposing of large household items such as mattresses and furniture?

What issues affect you the most in relation to living in your street (surrounding area).

Whats your favourite thing about Lewisham?

its all completely anonymous! i just really need to find out how local residence feel about this problem which is literally on your doorstep!!

If you feel this problem affects you and you would like to help please email me!!

If you do not wish to fill in the questionnaire please just post you opinion!

Thank you!!

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Posts: 2,002
Joined: Apr 2005
Post: #2
04-08-2009 10:29 AM

Basically citizens divided into honest and fly tippers .
I would never fly tip but do not have a car so visiting depots not easy , I would think this apploes to many.

I have paid many times for collections but then unhappy when others decide to fly tip.

Perhaps could bring back the rag and bone men of old.

I know universal free collection would be costly but might still be the best option.

I would imagine the fly tipping crims are rarely if ever caught. If they are doubt they would get custodial sentence

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Posts: 1,414
Joined: Mar 2005
Post: #3
05-08-2009 12:42 PM

Someone fly-tipped directly outside a police building and was caught on CCTV. But the images were so poor that he and his vehicle could not be identified!

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Posts: 285
Joined: Feb 2006
Post: #4
05-08-2009 09:16 PM

Free easy to arrange collections might end up paying for themselves if it means an end to flytipping and clearing that up instead.

Even at ?15 for 3 items or fewer, it can be seen as a lot to pay for what is, in theory, now rubbish in the person's eyes - particularly if it's just cardboard boxes that the recyclers won't take for being bulky even when broken down.

I'm lucky. I'm on the Southwark side of the road on Wood Vale so any bulky collections are free of charge and can be arranged easily online. Apparently, flytipping costs them less (by 600K) to clean up than Lewisham so perhaps it does work.

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