Planning application: 33 Dartmouth Road
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Posts: 581
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26-11-2011 10:25 PM
Notice through the door of a planning application to convert the old Adams hair and beauty place opposite the old post office on Dartmouth Road into a 'drinking establishment serving hot food', on the ground and first floors. Late licence envisaged. It'll be quite the drinking district round there if it goes ahead.
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27-11-2011 07:14 PM
Entirely supported! More regeneration of Dartmouth Road...basically, anything opening up would be amazing!!
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27-11-2011 08:36 PM
Next door to the Bird in Hand, opposite the post office - which is about to be turned into a pub/restaurant, and selling alcohol until 3am at the weekend.
This is the third application in the last two weeks that would result in the loss of a retail unit on Dartmouth Road. The cumulative impact of all these conversions will be to leave this central section of Dartmouth Road with hardly any retail units. The council have a policy to prevent loss of A1 retail units in core shopping areas. This site was a key part of the shopping area until the closure of the pool, and with it reopening again next year it is likely that some of the empty units can be brought back into use for retail, provided they are not all converted into offices and bars.
I hope the council will reject this application as I don't think it will be beneficial to the area.
Posts: 43
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27-11-2011 10:39 PM
I also hope this is rejected. There are enough bars and clubs to keep Dartmouth Road awake till the early hours without adding another one. The bar opposite No 33 has not even opened yet so no idea what impact that will have but don't expect it to be positive for those who live nearby. There is no need for any more pubs or clubs - Forest Hill really has enough now.
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27-11-2011 11:01 PM
There are SO many ugly, empty and frankly derelict looking 'retail' units on Dartmouth Road. When you have a look at them every day and live opposite them, you realise that every unit that gets converted into something the community would use would be a benefit. There is a huge excess supply of retail should the 'pools based regeneration' occur. Frankly, I dont see it myself. Besides, there was no uproar over the new 'City of Cash' opening the other day. At least this place would get used and - and unpopular as it may seem to some on here - would be used by the 'trendy yuppies' that are moving into the area. Definately should be supported and making my feelings felt to Lewisham - I cant bear to see Dartmouth Road just continue with charity shops, convenience stores (think there are 5 on that short section!) and chicken shops!
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28-11-2011 04:23 PM
I agree that it's not ideal, but Dartmouth Road really is looking bleak at the moment, with the closure of Oriental Fusion, Austin Harvey and a couple of other shops in the last few months not helping matters. I've lived here for five and a half years, and I move out next week, and in that whole time I don't think it's ever looked in a poorer state. s*d the pools, there'll be momentum to turn units into housing if things continue, planning policy or no.
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28-11-2011 04:28 PM
I agree about the empty shops but every high stree has them at the moment and that does not mean a rush to anything simply to have a tenant - I refer you to the late night barbers that was recently causing a furore on this site and was probably a rush to simply fill a shop.
I am assuming you live more near the pools than near where this bar will be so you may not be quite as affected as those of us who live opposite or next door and who is say who will be drinking there.... once it is opened and the change of use granted it could be open all night if it wants with once again the resulting noise and general anti social behaviour meted out to those who are residents of the area and who have to get up for work in the morning after being kept awake until the small hours and who have little control over any of it.
I would love to see a butchers, bakers etc there but anything open during the day and not all night would be welcomed.
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28-11-2011 04:56 PM
I too would like to see those things..but I dont see them ever happening on Dartmouth Road. All high streets have bars/dining rooms and they help to have an active evening scene and ensure that the area isnt dead at night. Look at how many bars there are along Lordship Lane, they're open late and its a far more affluent and frankly enjoyable place to be than Dartmouth Road! I think to turn down a business which would create jobs, help to improve the streetscene along Dartmouth Road and provide a place for locals to have a drink and enjoy something to eat should be encouraged... unless we keep holding out for the butchers/bakers/grocers which I doubt will ever come!
Posts: 88
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28-11-2011 04:59 PM
It could be a great addition to the area but it depends on what kind of establishment it's going to be. Whether it's the kind to attract young professionals wanting a couple of drinks and a bite to eat in a nice place after work or whether it's going to be some sort of night club type place. I think it would be helpful if these applicants could reveal a little more about the establishment they plan to set up. It might help to calm people's (quite appropriate) fears. I totally appreciate that if I was living in the immediate area it would be a concern but at the same time I think Forest Hill could benefit from a funky little bar. There is a great Mexican place in Balham that sells Mexican street food and I've always thought something along those lines would be great to have in FH.
Posts: 49
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28-11-2011 05:15 PM
I really think any new business should be welcome I have lived in Forest Hill for 12 years and Dartmouth Road has always struggled.
Yes in an ideal world it would be lovely to have a butcher, baker etc but high streets are really suffering at the moment. Most people buy all their foods from the supermarkets! There is a brilliant butcher on Woodvale which I use and also Peter James in Crofton Park. I understand Forest Hill Society wanting to encourage A1 usage but do you really think the swimming pool is really going to make a huge difference! I do not agree. We should encourage any reasonable business with open arms.
Just my two pence worth.
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28-11-2011 05:46 PM
As someone who has lived on Dartmouth Road since the late 90's (near the Dartmouth Arms) I'm interested to see anybody take up the empty properties on the road.
Must we always assume it's going to be bad with anti-social behavior, lets be positive. It is tough, very tough out there for new businesses to get started, let alone survive for longer than 12 months. The last thing needed is negative vibes about it on a forum.
I work in fashion wholesale, and I talk with small retailers up and down the country, there isn't any confidence from consumers which is hitting these stores hard. They give everything to keep going, and landlords, councils and others seem to try and make it harder for them.
So why don't we wait and see exactly what this new establishment will be, it could be a very pleasant bar and place to eat that doesn't stay open until 3am on a school night.
I wish anyone who starts a business all the best, and good luck to these guys.
Posts: 49
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28-11-2011 06:36 PM
I agree with this. Like the honor oak parade they seem to approve planning to turn units intI residential units. Much worse on my opinion than a few extra bars / estate agents or even cheque cashing shops. Honor Oak really could have been a neat little parade, ruined by some idiotic local government policy to turn into ugly flats. Crass.
Posts: 43
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28-11-2011 06:37 PM
As you all say we will have to wait and see whether the application goes ahead - we do live in a democracy so if most are for it I am sure it will come to pass... from past experience I will not hold my breath that it will not impact on the locals though and by then as usual there will be nothing to be done about the disturbances.
Posts: 96
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28-11-2011 07:00 PM
A local publican said to me recently they welcome more pubs in the area as it will hopefully mean Forest Hill turns into a destination where people will come for a whole evening at the weekend, rather than usually heading off to East Dulwich.
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28-11-2011 08:47 PM
Less a case of urban regeneration and more a case of degeneration. Still I suppose it's better than an empty unit - provided it doesn't case noise and disturbance. It would be better if it were a Domino's Pizza - can we get a petition to welcome Domino's to our side of town?
Posts: 43
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29-11-2011 08:42 AM
Funny enough we did have a Dominos pizza in Forest Hill. It was next to Paddy Power where the Chinese restaurant is.
Posts: 531
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29-11-2011 09:41 AM
WH Smiths will go out of business soon and then Dominos will have the perfect location for their south east London hub.
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